Thursday 8 September 2011

Hamster Treats from HK (post two)

In 'Hamster Treats from HK (part one)' I mentioned some of the dried fruit and veg that you can buy for your pets in HK. There are some more unusual treats that were also available. For instance, fish.

Yep, dried fish for hammies. I've fed my cat something like this that I got from my local pet shop which he wasn't all that impressed with. I reckon he preferred his fish fresh. My Coshu would take experimental bites but had never ate a whole piece. My cat, however, decided this pack from the east was much tastier than the local pet shop's one and stole the bag. I guess fish is fine for hamsters as it is mentioned on Hamsterific's food list.

This one was little jelly pots full of vegetable flavour jelly (carrot and greens). Coshu really liked it, he would sit there licking the jelly and the pots were similar in size to coffee machine capsules so it was quite big for a hamster. For that reason I never let him have a whole pot. I actually didn't even allow him a quarter as I was worried about sugar and water content. I cannot read the japanese so had no idea what the ingredients are or the quantities. I most likely would not be purchasing this again.

These are chewing treats that were peanut flavour. They were quite hard which was good as my hamster refuses to chew wood. Before I had him on dog biscuits to help wear down his teeth but these were harder. I did wonder about what was in them but it was an occasional treat so I figured it wouldn't cause much harm. This brand is called 'Alex - Animal Farm' and they do lots of different treats as you can see on this Singaporean website: Petronize. I've not bought anything from this website before but they do a big variety of treats by Alex and ship to overseas countries.

There you have it, these are the treats I got in Hong Kong. While the variety is huge over there, I am concerned about how healthy these treats can be and the ingredients that are in them. However, if your pet is in a healthy condition, a small treat will not do a lot of harm.

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