Monday 5 September 2011


My name is Enmee. As you may have already guessed, I love animals. I have a fair amount of knowledge when it comes to looking after some pets such as cats and hamsters but having just added two bunnies to my household, I have quite limited knowledge on them. I enjoy learning about animals and their needs so I spend a lot of time reading and researching about them (my current read is A house rabbit primer by Lucile c. Moore).

One of the things I found frustrating when looking for information on how to care for my new rabbits is how many websites and even some books have conflicting or unclear information. This is especially true if you were looking at rabbit diets. I started this blog to help new owners with taking care of their pets and I intend to cover subjects such as housing, diets, play, training and reviews on products and where best to find them.

Another important reason why I wanted to start a blog is so that I can share my experiences with my own beloved pets with other animal lovers, so without further ado, lets meet the family!

This is my Syrian Hamster, he was originally named Coco but we now call him Co-shu (shu means rodent in cantonese). He is almost two years old. Coshu is getting quite old now as his hair isn't as thick as it used to be, but he is as active as ever! He is very friendly and never bites. Absolutely fearless.

Blackie passed away in 2008 but he was so special to me. He was a blind cat with problems in his liver and kidney. Those were caused by old age. Even so he was the sweetest cat I know and I've met many cats as my day job is in a cattery. Blackie was a very happy cat despite being on meds and not being able to see much. His nose was amazing, he could sniff out KFC a mile away and find the source without bumping into anything.
Gin is a stray cat that moved into our home some seven years ago. For some reason, almost every guy that meets Gin dislikes him whereas girls all get on with him. Maybe he is a ladies guy? With Gin you have to be able to read his moods otherwise you'll likely end up getting nipped. Since Blackie left us Gin has became quite affectionate and likes to dribble in peoples laps!

Nibbles and Summer! These are my two new baby buns. Nibbles is the black and white one, I think the pattern looks like a Dutch but he seems to be slightly bigger for his age. Mind you, they told me the bunnies were 10-12 weeks when I bought them but I'm fairly confident they were slightly older than that as they certainly did not look small enough to be 10 weeks old! Summer is the yellow and white, I think he is a french lop with helicopter ears (an ear that doesn't fully lop or stand fully erect). It is quite unlikely that they are pure breeds as I got them at Pets At Home. I've had them since early July this year and they were sold to me as females even though they were males! There is a story behind it but that's for another post!

I also had one Russian dwarf hamster. He was called Snowball and he was a 'rescue' hamster. A family member had purchased a pair of hamsters and did not know how to look after them properly. The two hamsters got into a serious fight where Snowball killed the other one (whose name I do not know) and she no longer wanted to play with him. So she went off to university and left the ham with her mother who was too busy to give him adequate care. Anyhow, Snowball soon entered my care after that and by then he was very hard to socialise. He would bite hard enough to draw blood which made handling him quite impossible so in the end we hamster proofed a room and let him come out of his cage to run loose when he wished. Snowball was with me for a few months before he died peacefully in his sleep. I do not have a photo on my laptop but I will put one up soon!

That's my main animal family. In my next post I will write about hamster foods, particularly treats you can buy in Hong Kong that are not available in UK (with photos!). I hope you will find this blog helpful. Please do leave comments about your pets, any little quirks they might have and share your knowledge of pet care with the rest of us! Every little thing we learn about our furry friends enable us to provide a healthier and happier lifestyle for them.

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